Living In Faith Together
Living In Faith Together

A group of like-minded women whose mission is to grow in their faith, serve their local community, and the community at large, through St. Luke’s Church.

Our group of women come together twice a month on Wednesdays to support one another in life’s challenges, to be thankful together for all our many blessings and to pray for others. LIFT provides all women a time and place where they can strengthen and grow their faith with Bible study and grow in their discipleship to Christ through community service.

Community Outreach

LIFT, also provides ongoing support to the Safe Center of Long Island for Women, with collection drives throughout the year of things needed by women and their families who have been displaced from their homes due to domestic abuse. LIFT will continue to support the Safe Center and support St. Luke’s church in all their community outreach.

Past Studies

LIFT, has most recently completed the study of Twelve Women of the Bible by; Elisa Morgan, Lysa TerKeurst and Amena Brown. The study looked in depth into the lives of 12 women, from the Old Testament to the New Testament, and how their faith leadership can inspire us today. Additionally, LIFT has studied Rick Warren’s A Purpose Driven Life, the group was able to understand through scripture that everyone’s main life purpose is to glorify God in all that you do.

Fellowship and Church Service

But LIFT is not just about faith formation it is also about fellowship with one another and fun, through shared events such as dinners out, and much more. In honor of women’s history month, the LIFT group coordinates, organizes and leads the two church services on Mothering Sunday in March.


The group has also supported one another during any member family crises and will continue to do so running fund raisers to help financially when needed. This type of support also extends to any church members in need.

All are welcome to join LIFT, a group of faith minded women whose goal is to grow and serve their local community, through St. Luke’s Church.