Our History
Our Church
In the early 1900’s, Rev. Carl Zinnmeister, Missionary Superintendent of the Lutheran (Missouri) Synod of New York, while building up St. Stephen’s Church in Hicksville, is called to Farmingdale where the Synod had a church known as the “German Church,” which had ceased to exist. The synod still controlled the church property, located on Washington Street. A canvass of the area resulted in the names and addresses of 80 Lutheran families-an excellent beginning for a new mission church. On Christmas Day, 1910, the new mission is given the official title, “The Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Luke, Farmingdale, New York.” The Sunday School is organized on January 4, 1911, with fourteen in attendance and an offering of $2.01. The Ladies’ Aid Society is established on March 15, 1911, with eighteen charter members. Incorporation and adoption of a constitution is accomplished on June 20, 1911.
Rev. Zinnmeister saw the German Church as the ideal home for this new mission, and it is through his efforts that permission is obtained from the Synod to occupy the German Church. The mission congregation’s first service in their new church home is September 3, 1911. The Synod combined Farmingdale with St. Stephen’s in Hicksville, creating the “Hicksville Charge” under the guidance of the Rev. H. M. Schroeder, who serves until relinquishing the charge on March 31, 1914 as a result of ill health.
Rev. William A. Steinbecker becomes St. Luke’s Pastor.
The German language is eliminated entirely, and all services thereafter are conducted in English. St. Luke’s has 121 members and worships in the church on Washington Street.
Ground breaking occurs on the property adjacent to the residence purchased in 1919.
The cornerstone is laid for the present church. The property on Washington street is sold in 1926.
Pastor Steinbecker resigns; Rev. Paul M. Young becomes St. Luke’s Pastor.
St. Luke’s has 318 members.
Pastor Young leaves St. Luke’s on May 21, 1933, Rev. Frederick Preuss becomes Pastor, serving until May 1, 1937.
Rev. Bernhardt Bohrer begins his long and distinguished pastorate at St. Luke’s.
Membership in 1940 is 487, rising to 647 in 1950.
St. Luke’s begins offering two worship services every Sunday.
Sunday School classes require three sessions. On November 16, 1958, a new school opens.
Fellowship Hall opens on the day of Rev. James R Corgee, Jr’s installation. Rev. Bohrer retires, serving thereafter as St. Luke’s Pastor Emeritus.
Rev. Jeffery Bornemann is called as Assistant Pastor, serving until July 1997.
Rev. Rodney Eberhardt is called as Associate Pastor.
Pastor Corgee retires and becomes Pastor Emeritus; Pastor Eberhardt becomes Senior Pastor.
Rev Michael G. L. Church is called as Assistant Pastor, serving until December 2002.
Rev. Francis D. Bonadonna is called as Assistant Pastor serving until April 4, 2015
St. Luke’s celebrates its 100th anniversary with a year long celebration.
St. Luke’s purchases the property adjacent to the church, 170 Conklin Street. The new building is named the Parish Activity Center.
Rev. Robert Weber is called to transition into the Pastor upon Rev. Rodney Eberhardt’s retirement.
Rev. Rodney Eberhardt retires and become Pastor Emeritus. Rev. Robert Weber becomes the Pastor.
Pastor Robert Weber accepts a new call at St. John Lutheran Church Boerne, Texas.
Rev. Edward Barnett accepts St. Luke’s call and becomes the new Pastor.